Monday 11 October 2010

Taxonomy - folksonomy - Fairytales

For my second project Ive decided to continue with taxonomy and folksonomy through a media of more interest to me personally... here are a couple of ideas;

Because I was brought up on Disney I decided I might want to look into the characters he created - to create some kind of taxonomy of the kinds of characters... the good, the evil, the innocent, the good and bad conscious etc.. and then to create a taxonomy of what defines that character and why we recognize and connect with that character.

Another option - I enjoy creating fantasy artwork and so was looking at myths and legends for inspiration. I found an interesting website called SurLaLune fairy tales which basically looks at the hidden meanings in fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood... who the characters represent and how they reflect our culture and the subliminal messages they contain for children.

Fairy tales are an important part of culture and storytellers have existed since cro-magnon man, beginning with telling them through cave paintings, to Hans Christian Anderson and Bros Grimm - to Disney and his American style of presenting the fairy tales, to modern day movies such as Pretty Woman. As a child stories are there to help provide an understanding of our culture, life events and surroundings. Even as an adult, we are still looking for the fairytale life and happy endings resulting in the popularity of movies like the Never ending story and so on... An interesting subject! As a mother I find this extremely interesting and also relates to my District 9 project in first year and how the movie was an allegory of the apartheid in Africa.

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