The Secret of Nimh - Don Bluth:
Digital Kitchen:
Animation using glass panes and stop motion-
Lotte Reiniger - German Animator using shadow puppets / paper cutouts:
This is the style of animation I am interested in creating.
Please click on an image to watch...
The tale of three brothers. (from the Harry Potter film)
Marc Craste Animation - Jo Jo in the Stars
Studio AKA Animation - Varmints
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In childhood, one encounters and experiences many things for the first time. Through curiosity and imagination, these moments are lifted to almost magical heights. As you get older, new impressions become more scarce and it's a rare experience to be surprised by anything. I try to bring back the sense of wonder we remember from being a child, bridging the young and mature, by creating a contained fantasy world populated by my characters.
With my work I like to refer to the illustrative nature of primitive drawings and sculptures. What I find interesting about these is the distortion as a result of selective emphasis; parts of interest are emphasized, unimportant parts reduced or left out. For characters this means they come out big headed, where focus is on the face and the body is trimmed to its essential properties. I deliberately apply this primitive logic as a method. But I don't apply it equally to all aspects of my work. Instead, I choose to use a very mature, highly laboursome technique for the execution of my work. This contrast, between the naive and sophisticated, gives the work a somewhat awkward taste. A clash of intent, simultaneously assuming simplicity and complexity, randomness and reason, flaws and perfection. The purpose of which is to inspire a sense of joy and discovery.
27/11/11 We all have an inner self...
MY INSIDE-SELF by Rachel Field
My Inside-Self and my Outside-Self
Are as different as can be.
My Outside-Self wears gingham smocks,
And very round is she,
With freckles sprinkled on her nose,
And smoothly parted hair,
And clumsy feet that cannot dance
In heavy shoes and square.
But, oh, my little Inside-Self-
In gowns of misty rose
She dances lighter than a leaf
On blithe and twinkling toes;
Her hair is blowing gold, and if
You chanced her face to see,
You would not think she could belong
To staid and sober me!
14/11/11 Carlos Castenada, The Tonal and Nagual - Ive been looking into the tonal and nagual theories and watched an interview given of Carlos Castanada, (a graduate Anthropology student of the University of California) describing his experiences with Don Juan, an old indian who guided Carlos into a magical world of the Nagual.
07/11/11 Sabine Baring-Gould - The book of werewolves managed to download a copy of this from the Project Gutenberg free (EBooks) website.
07/11/11 an interesting site containing articles written by authors that provide their contact details should you wish to find out more! Also found a book Im going to need to read by Catherine Orenstein - Little Red Ridinghood Uncloaked, sex, morality and the evolution of the fairytale.
02/11/11 The Company of Wolves - Angela Carter collected stories. I read this short story which is a kind of version of the fairytale 'Little Red Ridinghood' Its quite a darkly erotic version and the thing I like the most about her story was the way in which she describes everything, for example she describes how a traveller might glimpse the eyes of the wolf in the darkness by saying; 'If the benighted traveller spies those luminous, terrible sequins stitched suddenly on the black thickets, then he knows he must run..' I didn't realise there was a movie made in the 80s of The Company of Wolves, will have to find and watch it!
11/10/11 Been admiring the work of Dan Root today - illustrator / artist and storyboard artist. His work is amazing and I can relate to it. I love his style and especially his character design work.
29/09/11 Strange and Secret Peoples - faries and victorian consciousness - Carole G. Silver. Thinking about what kind of creature I will design for the final year 3D project. Maybe something part human?
27/09/11 The Gnomon Workshop and Massive Black Wow! How exciting would it be to be able to work in such an environment. Inspiring.
25/09/11 Reading through the latest Digital Artist magazine (issue 23) contains a really useful guide / essential checklist for freelance artists and how to perfect your portfolio! '...Find your area of focus'
11/03/11 CHAOS - James Gleick - about the science of everyday things; its about how the world works. I was first tempted to read this book after hearing about the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is the theory that a butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the earth can cause a ripple effect that could possibly cause a great storm in another part of the world eventually. This theory has been around for many generations and is evident in folklore too;
"For want of a nail, the shoe was lost,
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost;
For want of a horse, the rider was lost;
For want of a rider, the battle was lost;
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost..."
Watched The Butterfly Effect (movie) with Ashton Kutcher for some inspiration! great food for thought in relation to my TIME project. Will start on some story boards for an animation!
28/02/11 Imagine fx - Digital art magazine... love it!
18/02/11 The Freud Wars - As part of Digital Culture studies, looking at Freud's theories of psychoanalysis and his methods for unlocking neurotic disorders are investigated.
07/01/11 The mind in the Cave - Looking at in particular the Lascaux cave paintings and theories behind their symbolic meaning and creation.
03/01/11 The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown. A follow up of the Da Vinci Code and adventures of prof. Langdon.
11/12/10 From word to image - Marcie Begleiter. I found this in the library at Uni and it's been very useful for my designs for 'place project' in visual studies. Makes you think visually about lines, vanishing points, lighting and so on...
11/11/10 Author Spiderwicks field guide book came today for my personal folksonomy project and I just love the illustrations.. have also ordered Lady Cottingtons pressed fairies book from amazon.
20/10/10 Attempted the Guttenberg Galaxy - Marshall McLuhan, as part of my Digital Culture module, didn't get very far... decided to take the online advice and begin with McLuhan for beginners in this case.
Signs of the Gods - Erich Von Daniken - Were human genes artificially mutated by visitors from outer space? Did extraterrestrials build the megaliths of Malta??? :)